Liferay 7 / DXP have many new features when compare with its previous versions. The following are some of differences between Liferay 7/DXP and Liferay 6.2. There are many changes can find, following are major changes we can find in Liferay 7 / DXP
Liferay 7 support modularity development using OSGi framework. | Liferay 6.2 partially support and it’s an experiment and it need more effort to achieve the modularity |
Liferay 7 support Bootstrap 3 UI framework. | Support Bootstrap 2 UI framework. |
AUI 3.x components are used. | AUI 2.x components are used. |
AUI components built using JQuery Framework | AUI components built using YUI framework |
Liferay Application Development based on OSGi bundles | Liferay Application Development based on Plugins |
Liferay 7 EE called Liferay DXP | We simply call Liferay 6.2 EE |
Liferay Applications packaged as OSGi bundle jar files and deployed in OSGi container. It support WAR deployment as well. | Liferay Applications packaged as war files and deployed in traditional application server. |
User interface improved more and portal look and feel completely changed. | Liferay 6.2 look and feel improved when compare with its previous versions |
Liferay 7 separate core portal and its default portlets. Core portal only have core features rest of features made it as portlets and packaged as bundles. Core portal files in ROOT directory deployed in Application Server. All portlet bundles available in data/OSGI directory. It means bundles deployed in OSGi container. | Liferay 6.2 core portal and its default portlets all available in ROOT directory and deployed in Application Server. |
We can easily deactivate default portlets if we are not using. We simply deactivate portlet bundle. | We cannot deactivate without change in the code. |
Liferay 7 Applications call it as OSGi bundles. Customization and adding new features developed using bundles. | Liferay 6.2 Application Development using Plugins and we have different types of plugins portlet, hook, theme, layout and webs. |
Liferay 7 inbuilt search engine Elastic Search. It support SOLR search as well. | Liferay 6.2 in built search engine Apache Lucene. Liferay 6.2 have SOLR web to enable SOLR search. |
Liferay 7 removed inbuilt database configuration for Proprietary Databases like Oracle. It support Community databases like MySQL, Hypersonic SQL and MariaDB. | Its support all types of databases like Oracle, MySQL, DB2 and Sybase. |
Liferay 7 have Single Page Application inbuilt support using Senna.js | Liferay 6.2 does not have inbuilt Single Page Application support but we can integrate SPA framework to achieve it. |
Liferay 7 have introduced Clay and Lexicon language to design UI. Lexicon is a design language that provides a common framework for building interfaces. Clay is web implementation of | Liferay 6.2 does not have these design languages. |
Liferay 7 form feature improved lot and we can design tow column forms and multiple page forms. | Liferay 6.2 forms are very basic and we cannot design two column forms. |
Liferay 7 portlet can break into multiple bundles and deployed in OSGi container. | Liferay 6.2 we should put all files and configuration in one Plugin. |
Liferay 7 support MAVEN, GRADLE build tools. | Liferay 6.2 support MAVEN, ANT. |
Liferay IDE for Liferay 7 Application Development based on OSGi bundle development features using Bndtools framework. Bundles use MAVEN or GRADLE build tool. | Liferay IDE for Liferay 6.2 Application Development based on Plugins and we can develop different types of plugins like portlet, hook, theme, layout and web. It uses the MAVEN or ANT build tool. |
Liferay 7 introduce new tool called BLADE CLI to develop Liferay 7 Application as bundles. Internally its uses the Bndtools GRADLE flavor. | Liferay 6.2 have Plugins SDK Command Line Interface to create portlet, hook, theme and layout. |
Class load issues resolved before bundle activate or available in the container. We cannot see Class Not Found run time issues. All these will be resolved before bundle available for use. | We can experience many times Class Not Found issues in Liferay 6.2 Environment. |
We can activate/deactivate Liferay Application Bundles simply using Apache Gogo shell Command Line Interface without un-deploy the bundle from the container. | Liferay 6.2 it is not possible. We should un-deploy the plugins from the server so that we can remove the unused features. |
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