Liferay 7 Portal Installation

Liferay 7is latest portal version from Liferay Inc. Liferay 7 we can get it in two types. Liferay 7 EE and Liferay 7 CE.

Liferay 7 EE:

Liferay 7 Enterprise Edition is paid subscription from Liferay Inc. and we can call it as Liferay Digital Experience Platform (Liferay DXP).

Liferay 7 CE:

Liferay 7 Community Edition is open source and it’s completely free.
Liferay 7 have many exciting features and lots of changes from its previous release.

The latest Liferay 7 CE release is Liferay 7 GA3

Liferay 7 Portal Installation Steps

Install Java 1.8
Download Latest Liferay 7 Portal Release
Start Liferay 7 Portal
Complete basics steps after Portal Started.

Install Java 1.8

Liferay 7 Portal compatible with JAVA 1.8 and we must install JAVA 1.8 in our machine.

Steps Install JAVA 1.8 in Windows

Download JAVA 1.8 from Oracle

The following is link to download JAVA 1.8 and based on your Operating system, you need to download relevant installation files. For windows we can download JAVA 1.8 installer .exefile.

Install JAVA 1.8 by following installation steps.

Once you downloaded the installer just double click on .exe file and follow installation steps then java 1.8 will be installed in your machine.
Once it installed then you can see Java installation directory in your system “Program Files” directory.

Set “JAVA_HOME” and “PATH” environment variables

Once java installed in our machine we need set JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables.


Go to computer properties

Click on “Advance System Settings” then you can see window popup.

Now click on “Environment Variable” button then it will open another popup window. Click on “new” button then it will alert with Variable Name and Its value. Finally click on the OK button then JAVA_HOME environment variable will be created.

Provide Following Details

Variable Name: JAVA_HOME
Variable Value : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_102


Java home is directory path where your java is installed and this environment variable used by java applications which are running in our machine.

Set “PATH” Environment Variable

PATHvariable will be used to start java commands from anywhere from command prompt.
Follow the below navigation

ComputeràPropertiesàAdvance System Settingsà Environment Variable

In the list of environment variable select PATH variable and edit then append JAVA bin path value.

PATHvariable already available in the list of environment variables so we just edit the variable and need to append the java path to existed value.

We need to append the following value to the existed path value



Each path should be end with semi-colon (;) and all java commands will be available in bindirectory of java home and java path should include until bin directory.

Check JAVA 1.8 Available in our machine

Open window command prompt and issue the following command then it will shows the installed JAVA version in your machine otherwise java not installed properly.

java –version

The following is screen shows JAVA 1.8 installed in the machine

Download Latest Liferay 7 Portal Release

Go to Liferay.comdownload page and download latest Liferay 7 Portal Bundle.

Liferay 7 Bundle consist Liferay 7 Portal and Application Server so we can download and directly start the portal.

Liferay 7 Portal bundles are available with different application servers like Tomcat, Wildfly.

Best way to start with Liferay bundle that we can download Liferay 7 Bundle with Tomcat. Now click on download button then we can download bundle zip file.

Start Liferay 7 Portal

Once downloaded the bundle zip file then extract in your desired directory then you can see the following sub-directories in the extracted zip file.

data:this directory consist of default data base that is HSQL. Liferay Portal will use HSQL database. It also consist the document library repository.

license:This directory will have information related to portal licence.

osgi :This directory will provide Liferay OSGi run time environment to the portal. Liferay 7 have used modular development framework that is OSGi.

Server Directory: This name will be changed based on the application server, we have downloaded the tomcat bundle and its name is “tomcat-8.0.32”. Liferay 7 is using Tomcat 8 version server. This is actual server where Liferay 7 was deployed.

If you look at webappsdirectory then we can see the directory called “ROOT” and this is actual Liferay 7 Porta that deployed in the server.

tools:this directory consist the libraries which will be useful at the time of database upgrade.

Once Liferay Portal Started we can see few more directories like deploy and logs.

deploy: This is Liferay auto deploy directory where we can place .war  .lpkgand .jar files and it will be automatically deployed into the server.

logs:This folder contains Liferay log files. This will be important when portal have issues or errors.

Liferay Home

Liferay Homeis portal directory where application server and other required sub-directories are available.

The following is Liferay Home Directory (C:\MeerPrince\Liferay7\liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga3)

Start Liferay 7 Portal

Open command prompt and navigate to the portal server bin directory that is tomcat server bin directory then issue following start up command then Liferay 7 portal will be started.


Once server is started it will open another Liferay 7 console window there we can see log information

The following is server console log window

Complete basic configuration steps after Portal Started.

Once portal server successfully started then it will automatically open the browser and we have to complete the basic configuration page. Once portal is started then you can see the message in server console says that sever started and minutes the took to start server.

When the first time portal is started then we have to complete the basic configuration steps and its only one time.

If portal automatically not open in the browser then use following local host to see portal page. The default port of tomcat server is 8080

The following is basic configuration page

If you would like to change the details like portal name, first name, last name and email you can fill in the form otherwise we can go with default populated details in the form.

As we know that Liferay default database is Hypersonic that we can observed in the database section. If we would like to change to other data base click on change link then it will ask database connection details. Now we are not going to change anything.

Just click on “Finish Configuration” button then it will shows you the “Terms of Use” page just click on “I Agree” button.

Once we Agree then terms of use it will navigate “password” page there we can create Portal Admin Password. Provide your desired password then click on save button.

Once we completed password creation step then it will ask your security question and it will be useful at time of password retrieval process.

Once you select the security question then provide relevant answer finally click on save button.

Now we have completed the all basic portal configuration page now we can see Liferay 7 Portal Welcome Page.

The following screen shows portal welcome page

Once we completed the basic configuration steps, in the back-end Liferay have created configuration file called “” in the Liferay Home directory.

You can find the below configuration details in the “”. Test


Portal Already login with Portal Administrator so that you have complete access on the portal. You should remember Admin user name and password for next time login into the portal. Usually test@liferay.comis default Admin user name.

Basic configuration steps are only one time for the first time when we start Liferay portal.

Important Points to other Operating Systems

We can follow the same steps to other Operating systems but only difference is to install java and setting environment variables like JAVA_HOME and PATH.

If it is Linux operating system then we can use ./ command in the terminal to start Liferay 7 Portal server. To see logs in the console we can use tail -f catalina.out from portal logs directory.

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